Art is supposed to move you—but after some viewers suffered literally painful encounters with a sculpture, grounds curators at England’s Salisbury Cathedral were forced to move it instead.
The 20-foot wire sculpture, which depicts two clasped hands and is called “The Kiss,” was installed in early February, and was originally placed astride a pathway in the cathedral close. Visitors were meant to walk through it as they approached the church–but after complaints from texting pedestrians who had instead walked into it, the sculpture was moved, the sculpture’s artist, Sophie Ryder, wrote on Facebook.

We had to move “the kiss” because people were walking through texting and said they bumped their heads! Oh well!!

Posted by Sophie Ryder on Tuesday, February 16, 2016
The exhibition also features sculptures of minotaurs and hare-headed humans, which so far have failed to attack visitors. Called “Relationships,” a website for the exhibition says it’s meant to make viewers ”consider how we interact with each other and our own loved ones.” By smacking some on the head, “The Kiss” may have succeeded in doing just that.

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