In an era of champagne grilled cheese and gold-plated Cristal doughnuts, a Scottish company has brought the gourmet game to plucky new heights: they’ve created the world’s most expensive haggis.

The haggis costs £4,000, or about $5,670. While the traditional dish is always loaded with sheep organs, cow fat, spices, and oatmeal, this incarnation adds Wagyu beef, French white summer truffles, Indian black pepper, and “edible 24 carat gold to sprinkle on top,” The Scotsman reports.

The gastronomes at Macsween Haggis (tagline: “Trust us to be interesting”) unveiled the brand new delicacy just in time for Burns Night, a celebration of the Scottish bard Robert Burns that falls on January 25. A traditional “Burns Supper” includes whiskey toasts, readings from the poet’s work, and “the entrance of the haggis on a large platter to the sound of a piper playing bagpipes.”

After this presentation, the evening’s host reads Burns’ “Address to a Haggis,” which begins: “Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face / great chieftain o the puddin’-race!”

This particular haggis comes in a handmade wooden cask and must be specially commissioned. As of yesterday, no one had ordered it yet. To quote Burns again, “the best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men/ gang aft agley”–but you can be the first* over at the Macsween website.

*(Unless you live in America, where haggis has been banned for 44 years because it contains sheep’s lung. Better luck next time.)

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