Who is this? (Photo: Meagan Abell/Facebook)

Who is the woman in this picture? Who took it? Where is she?

Meagan Abell, a photographer herself, found the negatives of these images at a thrift store. “From what I could tell,” she writes on Facebook, “they had been taken sometime in the 50s.” She bought them and, a few weeks later, once they’d been scanned, saw how incredible they were. And she wanted to know where they came from.

So far, the only question that has been answered is where these were taken. From the clues in the pictures, it seems they were shot around Los Angeles, at Dockweiler State Beach. The rest of the story, though—the who, the why—is still a mystery.

Abell’s trying to find out the answers by sending the pictures out into the wilds of internet, with the hashtag ‎#FindTheGirlsOnTheNegatives‬ —any leads should go to [email protected].

(Photo: Meagan Abell/Facebook)

(Photo: Meagan Abell/Facebook)

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Every day, we highlight one newly lost or found object, curiosity or wonder. Discover something unusual or amazing? Tell us about it! Send your finds to [email protected]