A member of the tiger trio hangs out with a human performer.

A member of the tiger trio hangs out with a human performer. (Screenshot: AFP/Youtube)

An exiled circus in Nicaragua recently celebrated the birth of three Bengal tiger cubs: one white, one yellow, and one golden.

“A birth like this is very unusual because tigers with three different colors were born at the same time,” said Renato Fuentes, the circus’s owner. The trio makes up the circus’s eighth generation of captive tigers, he added.

Last July, Mexico forbade its circuses from owning animals. Rather than relocate their menageries to zoos and conservation centers, some, like the Renato Circus, fled the country. According to Agencia EFE, the circus is now in Nicaragua, and the cubs were born in the city of Camoapa. 

So far, they have been kept close to their mom, and out of the public eye—but Agence France-Presse managed to get a video, in which they tumble, wrestle, and stretch, occasionally next to someone wearing circus pants.

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