Today is “A Day Without a Woman,” a nationwide action that aims to highlight women’s economic power and draw attention to discrimination. All over the country, women are going on strike in order to hammer home just what the world would look like without us.

One who jumped the gun a little? Lady Liberty. The statue went dark for about an hour on Tuesday night, surprising just about everyone.

Although the statue’s interior, including the torch and crown, remained lit, the exterior spotlights were extinguished, shrouding the figure in darkness. About an hour after she switched off, she switched back on again. The Associated Press captured a dramatic video of this moment, which transforms a gloomy, almost dystopian New York Harbor back into the aesthetically welcoming place we’re all used to.

According to NPR, the National Park Service says the outage was “unplanned,” and that it was probably related to work they’re doing to replace a backup generator.

Unplanned by the Park Service, maybe. Lady Liberty does what she wants.

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