AdOYo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Winchester, England
Places added to Essex, England
Places edited in Essex, England
Places visited in Hastings, England
Places added to England
Places edited in Northumberland, England
Places visited in Great Yarmouth, England
Places added to United Kingdom
Places edited in Sheffield, England
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Eyemouth, Scotland

Cholera Monument

A watchhouse constructed from tombstones, to make way for a burial pit, for the victims succumbing to a deadly disease.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

'Glass of Thrones Belfast'

A series of stained glass artworks that depict images of the hit TV show.
Shrewsbury, England

Admiral Benbow’s Key

A famed admiral left behind this 17th-century house key when he joined the British Navy.
Prestopans, Scotland

'Athena' Memorial Statue

A monument honoring 81 residents of this Scottish town who were executed for witchcraft in the 16th century.
Cirencester, England

World's Tallest Yew Hedge

Trimmings from the record-setting tree line that surrounds Cirencester Park have been used to manufacture chemotherapy drugs.
Oxford, England

Mr. Therm Balcony Railings

An obsolete, long-forgotten advertising character lingers on this Sainsbury’s balcony railings.
Salisbury, England

Secret Spitfires Memorial

A life-size replica of a Spitfire that sits in a quaint suburb.
Glastonbury, England

Chalice Well (The Red Spring)

An ancient well nestled at the foot of Glastonbury Tor, shrouded in Arthurian legend and revered for its purported healing waters.
Glasgow, Scotland

Bella the Beithir

A mythological Celtic beast built with thousands of colorful tiles stands guard over a historic canal junction.
Plymouth, England

Drake's Island

After several centuries as the home of coastal defenses, this island is full of history—and maybe ghosts.
Ellary, Scotland

St. Columba’s Cave

This remote Scottish cave has been a site of Christian pilgrimage for many centuries.
London, England

'A Bullet From a Shooting Star'

This sculpture of a pylon is upside down and askew, as if its main purpose is to confuse passersby.
Powys, Wales

World Bog Snorkeling Championship

During this yearly Welsh swimming race, competitors tread through the fetid waters of a bog trench.
Llandudno, Wales

Alice in Wonderland Town Trail

In a resort town where the real Alice spent her summer holidays, iconic characters create a curious trail.
Fordingbridge, England

Ashley Walk Illuminated Target

Hidden from the ground but visible from above, this arrow target in the New Forest is part of Hampshire's rich World War II history.
Tokyo, Japan


A miniature shrine in the busy corner of Tokyo's historic Broadway, honoring a sextet of unusual entertainment gods.
Tokyo, Japan

Matsuchiyama Shoden

Daikon radishes are offered to the Japanese Buddhist counterpart of the Hindu god Ganesha at this historic hilltop temple.
Tokyo, Japan

Akihabara Electric Town

Once a black market electronics marketplace, now an otaku shopper's paradise.
Southampton, England

The D-Day Wall

This little-known wall in Southampton stands as one of the most unique and personal monuments to D-Day.
Coventry, England

‘Sir Guy and the Dun Cow’

This oft-overlooked public artwork depicts another Warwickshire legend.
Royal Leamington Spa, England

The Elephant Wash

This river ramp was once used by the elephants of a local circus.
Babingley, England

Village Signs of Babingley

Signs illustrate the bizarre legend of St. Felix's arrival in this English village, which led to the consecration of a beaver.
Civitavecchia, Italy

Hasekura Tsunenaga Statue

Why does this Italian coastal city have a statue of a 17th-century samurai?
Tokyo, Japan

Kenashi Pond

Haunted by a giant white snake, this pond is said to bring the rain and pubic hair.