AdOYo's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Toyoura, Japan

Koboro Station

Inaccessible by foot, Japan's most secluded train station sits in the middle of nowhere.
Otsuki, Japan

Saruhashi Bridge

According to one legend, this bridge was crafted after monkeys formed a body-bridge across the gorge.
Tokyo, Japan

'Antinous as Vertumnus'

Unbeknownst to most passersby, this marble statue standing outside an office building is a genuine piece of second-century Rome.
Hakone, Japan

Hakone Checkpoint

Once the main gateway to Tokyo, sneaking through this checkpoint was a capital offense in feudal times.
Kushiro, Japan

Lake Akan Ainu Kotan

This village is home to the largest existing settlement of the Ainu, the Indigenous people of Japan.
Tokyo, Japan


Designed by a computer, this intricate network of fluorescent green pipes has taken over a subway station.
Utsunomiya, Japan

The Venus of Gyoza

At a Japanese train station, a goddess emerges from a dumpling.
Sado, Japan

Chokokuji Temple's Rabbit Kannon Statue

This giant statue pays homage to this temple's furry residents who keep the landscape pristine.
Sado, Japan

Sado Island's Tarai Bune

These unconventional "tub boats" let locals row around the island's turbulent coast.
Tokyo, Japan

Shirahatazuka Shiseki Park

Visitors to this park are welcomed by an ancient Japanese megalithic tomb that dates back to the sixth century.
Tokyo, Japan

Nihonbashi Kirin Statues

Mythical beasts symbolizing the city of Tokyo guard a historic bridge.
Tokyo, Japan


This tiny stone in a children's park is what remains of an ancient, once-worshipped object.
Tokyo, Japan

Oiteke Bori

This water goblin statue represents a 19th-century urban legend about a haunted canal that became a Japanese idiom.
Chichibu, Japan

Chichibu Chinsekikan (Hall of Curious Rocks)

This quirky little private museum is home to more than a thousand stones, carved by nature, that resemble human faces.
Tokyo, Japan

Shirahige-Higashi Firewall Apartment Complex

Disaster prevention apartment blocks in Sumida Ward are designed to save as many as possible in the face of the inevitable.
Kamakura, Japan

Sixteen Wells

This mysterious medieval grotto holds a grid of sacred wells of unknown purpose.
Ikaruga, Japan


Home to the world's oldest wooden building.
Tokyo, Japan

Little Peeing Monk of Tokyo

This Japanese Manneken Pis gets new outfits for every occasion.
Shimanto-chō, Japan

Kaiyodo Kappa Museum

A whimsical museum dedicated to the mischievous kappa, a mythical cucumber-loving water sprite.
Ojika-chō, Japan

Nozaki Island

A deserted island in southwest Japan that once sheltered persecuted Christians.
Miyoshi, Japan

Yokai Yashiki (Monster and Stone Museum)

Hidden by the roadside in the Iya Valley, this gem brings together folk monsters and the region's unique geography.
Itoigawa, Japan

The Jade Coast

You can still find treasures on the pebbly beaches of one of the world's oldest jade-producing areas.
Osaka, Japan

Maishima Incineration Plant

This whimsical garbage disposal facility receives around 12,000 accidental tourists each year.
Nichinan-shi, Japan

Sun Messe Nichinan

These seven moai figures are the world's only sanctioned replicas of the Easter Island originals.