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Places visited in Bodfish, California
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Kitagawa, Japan

Monet's Garden Marmottan

Nope, not the one in France. The only officially-recognized reproduction of Monet’s garden in Giverny is located in a remote corner of Japan.
Narusawa, Japan

Fugaku Wind Cave

One in a pair of subterranean caves created by an ancient eruption of Mount Fuji.
Tokyo, Japan

Senju Shrine Bomb Shelter

One of the few surviving World War II-era air-raid shelters in Tokyo.
Koshu, Japan

Daizenji 'Grape Temple'

A monk-run winery inside a Buddhist temple celebrates Japan's crown grape varietal.
Neyagawa-shi, Japan

Kayashima Station

A Japanese train station built around a 700-year-old camphor tree.
Hiroshima, Japan

Human Shadow Etched in Stone

An eerie reminder to the horrors of World War II.
Yūbari-shi, Japan

Shimizusawa Thermal Power Plant

This historic hydroelectric power plant in Japan has been preserved and is open to the public.
Kyoto, Japan

Funaoka Onsen

Have a soak at this retro bathhouse, where you will find Japan's first electric bath, tiling from Spain, and wood carvings representing the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.
Yokosuka, Japan

Sarushima - "Monkey Island"

A small island with no monkeys but plenty of military ruins.
Nikko, Japan

Abandoned Western Village

This western-themed amusement park is host to a large number of decaying animatronic cowboys.
Tamura, Japan

Abukuma-do Caves

These wondrously illuminated caverns extend under the mountains of the Fukushima Prefecture.
Kurashiki-shi, Japan

Washuzan Highland

A dilapidated amusement park with a million-dollar view.
Tokyo, Japan

Secret Cobblestones of Hide-and-Seek Alley

A few hidden stones are said to bring fortune and love.
Osaka, Japan

Taiyoshi Hyakuban

This brothel-turned-restaurant features plenty of surprises and elaborate, extravagant architecture.
Mine, Japan

Akiyoshido Cave

Approximately 300 million years ago, a massive coral reef existed in what is now the largest limestone cave in Japan.
Tōkamachi-shi, Japan

House of Light

This traditional Japanese-style house doubles as one of James Turrell's colorful works of art.
Ōsaki, Japan

Kejonuma Leisure Land

A quaint amusement park now sits, rusting and forgotten among the foliage.
Ine, Japan

Funaya of Ine

The traditional houses along the coast of this charming Japanese fishing village allow people to sleep above the sea.
Kobe, Japan

Maya Hotel

An abandoned Art Deco hotel nestled on the side of a wooded mountain.
Kyoto, Japan

Kameya Kiyonaga

This 400-year-old sweet shop serves a delicacy some have described as "edible incense."
Tomigusuku, Japan

Naval Underground Headquarters

Elaborate series of tunnels where traces of mass suicide are still visible.
Motobu, Japan

Bise Village

A network of sandy streets lined with verdant fukugi trees weaves throughout this tiny seaside town.
Tamana, Japan


A mysterious set of tunnels carved in the hills of rural northern Kyushu.
Tokyo, Japan

Book and Bed Hostel

If you forgot something to read during your trip to Tokyo, this hostel has you covered.