cristinasetyar's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Zaandam, Netherlands
Places visited in Benidorm, Spain
Places visited in Brussels, Belgium
Places visited in Miami Beach, Florida
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Rotterdam, Netherlands


A dramatic art installation features a BMW flying out of a building in Rotterdam.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Paul McCarthy's Santa Claus

Rotterdammers' dirty minds gave this santa a dirty nickname and cursed it to a life of wandering.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Luchtsingel

Built by crowdsourcing, this wooden foot bridge saved a part of Rotterdam that was languishing in wait of city funding.
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Cube Houses

These slanted cubic abodes are a creative if odd solution to a zoning pickle.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Hotel Inntel Zaandam

Colorful and chaotic stacked hotel in North Holland.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Begijnhof Chapel

A hidden church in a hidden courtyard tells the story of the Miracle of Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


This city square is home to Amsterdam's oldest church and a statue honoring Dutch sex workers.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

De Waag

Amsterdam's former hotspot for public executions and dissections.
Budapest, Hungary

Michael Jackson Memorial Tree

A random tree outside a Budapest hotel has become a DIY shrine to the late singer.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Brussels, Belgium

The Musical Instrument Museum

Three floors of musical instruments coming from all corners of the world and hundreds of years of musical history.
Brussels, Belgium

Délirium Café

Cozy basement bar sports an inventory of over 2,000 beers.
Leuven, Belgium


A giant bug impaled on a 75-foot-tall needle.
Leuven, Belgium

Fons Sapientiae

This whimsical statue dumps water on its head to symbolize knowledge flowing into his brain. Or maybe booze.
Brussels, Belgium

Royal Greenhouses of Laeken

Lavish royal estate punctuated with heated greenhouses.
Brussels, Belgium

Black Tower

A fantastical 13th-century fortification sandwiched by a modern hotel in central Brussels.
Brussels, Belgium

Zinneke Pis

Meet the bronze beloved pet to a family of famous peeing statues.
Brussels, Belgium

Commemoration of Peter the Great's Vomit

When you're a great Russian Tsar, even your vomit gets a statue.
Brussels, Belgium

Cook & Book

A wonderfully kitsch bookstore the size of a supermarket.
Mons, Belgium

The Guardhouse Monkey

Petting this mysterious iron monkey supposedly brings good luck.
Brussels, Belgium

Nemo 33

One of the deepest indoor swimming pools in the world.
Amsterdam, Netherlands


Three connected pink triangles memorialize persecuted gays and lesbians throughout history.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Theater Tuschinski

A beautifully eclectic mix of architectural styles.
Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Torture Museum

Museum preserving torture methods from the past.