Handalorian's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Harrogate, England

Turkish Baths Harrogate

The last fully working Victorian Turkish bath in England.
Guildford, England

The Chestnuts

The author of Alice in Wonderland spent his final years at this whimsical Victorian home.
Burnley, England

Oaks Hotel Stained Glass Window

This window celebrates the role of tea, coffee, cocoa, and cotton in creating the fortune of the man who commissioned it.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Blackfriars Friary

The remains of a Dominican friary, once one of the largest of its kind in the United Kingdom.
Temple Ewell, England

Kearsney Abbey and Russell Gardens

Two beautiful Victorian-era parks replete with ornamental waterfalls and lakes.
Foss, England

Lythe Mill

The ruins of a 19th-century corn mill are haunted by a malevolent cave-dwelling spirit.
Brixworth, England

All Saints' Church, Brixworth

This church is considered the largest and most complete Saxon church in England.
Lympne, England

Spencer Roberts Room

Its walls are adorned with exquisite murals of the natural world, transforming it into an ecologist’s Sistine Chapel.
Northumberland, England

St. Cuthbert's Cave

A rocky outcrop where monks hid their most holy relic while escaping Danish invaders.
Malmesbury, England

Malmesbury Abbey Musket Damage

Scars from the English Civil War mar this medieval sanctuary.
Old Whittington, England

Revolution House

A secret meeting in this small cottage changed the course of British history.
Malton, England

Wharram Percy

A deserted medieval village where bodies were once mutilated to prevent them rising from the dead.
Madeley, England

St Michael's Church & the Nine Men of Madeley

This tranquil churchyard in the heart of England’s mining country whispers tales of both triumph and tragedy.
Sunderland, England

St. Peter's Church

One of England's oldest stone churches and the birthplace of the "father of English history."
Wakefield, England

Chantry Chapel of St Mary the Virgin

A tiny chapel perched along a 14th-century bridge.
Glynn, Northern Ireland

St. John's Church

Local legend says there's treasure hidden within its crowded graveyard.
Beaumaris, Wales

St Seiroil's Well

A holy well believed to have healing powers.
Blythburgh, England

The Devil's Fingerprints

A legendary ghostly hound supposedly left dark marks on a place of worship.
Crieff, Scotland


A sculpture commemorating the "world's best mouser" in what is likely Scotland's longest-running distillery
Holy Island of Lindisfarne, England

Lindisfarne, the Holy Island

This tidal island, a sacred site in early English Christianity, was the target of a notable Viking invasion.
Aberystwyth, Wales

The Ancient Books of Wales

Welsh literary history is preserved in the delicate pages of these medieval manuscripts.
Gainsborough, England

Gainsborough Old Hall

A medieval relic whose great hall once hosted Mayflower pilgrims, one of Henry VIII’s ill-fated wives, and plenty of royal intrigue.
Wentworth, England

Wentworth Woodhouse

The UK's largest private house was the subject of a long-lasting political dispute.
Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Benwell Roman Temple

This Roman archeological site is hidden amid a 1930s housing estate.