megmeg724's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Milton Keynes, England
Places visited in Aldbury, England
Places visited in Northamptonshire, England
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Stockholm, Sweden

Ribbinska Huset

It is said that each of the white stones in the red facade of this medieval house represents the head of a murdered Swedish noble.
Stockholm, Sweden

Wooden Horse Museum

This small museum nestled inside a souvenir shop is dedicated to Sweden's most well-known toy.
Stockholm, Sweden

'Hemlös räv' ('Rag and Bone')

This homeless brass fox tugs at your heartstrings from the foot of a Stockholm bridge.
Stockholm, Sweden

Codex Gigas (The Devil's Bible)

An illuminated manuscript comprising the life's work of a lone monk, inexplicably decorated with a portrait of Satan himself.
Heckington, England

Heckington 8-Sail Windmill

The last working windmill in the U.K. that has eight sails.
Donna Nook, England

Gray Seals of Donna Nook

The adorable animals return to this nature reserve every fall to give birth to their pups.
Lincolnshire, England

RAF Stenigot

A quartet of rusting satellite goliaths are all that remain of a communication network that protected Britain from German and Russian air strikes.
Lincoln, England

The Lincoln Imp

Legend says this demonic carving inside a medieval cathedral was one of Satan's minions.
Lincoln, England

Newport Arch

Modern commuters still pass through this 2,000-year-old Roman archway.
Lincoln, England

Prison Chapel at Lincoln Castle

Inside this chapel, Victorian jailers took the separate system to new levels.
Lincoln, England

High Bridge

The oldest of the three remaining bridges in England with buildings on top of them.
Lincoln, England

Lincoln Tank Memorial

The world's first military tank was designed in this English city amid the stalemate of WWI trench warfare.
Newark-on-Trent, England

The Newark Castle Remains

This English medieval castle is where King John died of dysentery.
Nottinghamshire, England

Queen's Sconce

A well preserved remnant of the English Civil War.
Stapleford, England

The Hemlock Stone

Left by the Devil, an ancient quarry or just plain old erosion, this enigmatic rock pillar rises 28 feet from the hillside.
Lincolnshire, England

Woolsthorpe Manor

Isaac Newton's former home, where the famous apple tree still stands.
Normanton, England

Normanton Church

The sanctuary seems to either float atop the water or sink into the dirt, depending on the water level.
Wothorpe, England

Wothorpe Towers

The ruins of a 17th-century lodge on a grand estate are being slowly restored to their former glory.
Northamptonshire, England

Glenn Miller Memorial at King's Cliffe

This World War II airfield is the last place the bandleader performed before he disappeared.
Turvey, England

Higgins Mausoleum

A 19th century grave house with a unique message formed by the stone supports to the railing around the walls.
Ashwell, England

Medieval Graffiti of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin

Historical etchings such as “Miserable, wild, distracted 1350" and “The Archdeacon is an ass.”
Everton, England

RAF Tempsford Memorial Barn

Set amid the remains of a secret WWII airfield, this barn was preserved as a memorial to Allied agents who parachuted into Europe.
Clophill, England

St. Mary The Virgin

A reportedly haunted 14th-century church is curiously facing the “wrong direction.”
Ridgmont, England

All Saints Church Ruins

This ancient Bedfordshire church was abandoned when the village's population slowly began migrating to new towns.