ricejohnson99's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rome, Italy

Mussolini's Balcony

The spot where the fascist dictator made some of his most famous speeches including declaring war on Britain and France.
Morecambe, England

'Venus & Cupid'

A powerful statue sits on Scalestone Point, looking out over Morecambe Bay.
Glasgow, Scotland

Sir Thomas Lipton’s Grave

The final resting place of one of the most important figures in the world of tea.
Canterbury, England

Alphege Windows

A set of medieval stained-glass windows tell the gruesome story of a Viking siege.
Canterbury, England

Crooked House

This skewed English house has looked like it's going to fall over for centuries.
Kyiv, Ukraine

Tatyana Markus Memorial

A tribute to a Ukrainian heroine who went undercover and killed several Nazi operatives.
Skellefteå, Sweden

'Gzim och den frusna sjön' ('Gzim and the Frozen Lake')

A sculpture capturing the emotional moment when a refugee boy realizes he is about to be deported.
Aurora, Colorado

Umi Statue

This depiction of the earth mother welcomes new life into Aurora Highlands.
Springfield, Massachusetts

The Titanic Museum

Home to the Titanic Historical Society's collection.
Belfast, Northern Ireland

Crown Liquor Saloon

This Victorian-era public house has set the standard for pub-style elegance for over a hundred years.
Guiyang, China

Yelang Valley

It took an artist 20 years to create this sprawling sculpture garden honoring the area's ancient inhabitants.

Uplistsikhe Cave Town

Ancient rock-hewn town that witnessed key events of Georgian history.
Craftsbury, Vermont

Witch Windows

According to folklore, Vermont's slanted windows were installed to keep witches from flying into the house.
Accra, Ghana

Black Star Square

An enormous public square and parade ground built to celebrate Ghana's independence.
Moche, Peru

Paseo de la Cultura Mochica

This walk to the Pacific Ocean is surrounded by modern statues of Mochica Gods.
Vancouver, British Columbia

The Marine Building

This Art Deco masterpiece has stood in for some of the most famous buildings in comic book history.
Holyoke, Massachusetts

Holyoke Heritage State Park

The home of an antique carousel still in operation.
San Diego, California

Hotel del Coronado

L. Frank Baum wrote part of the "Wizard of Oz" series in this wooden Victorian beach resort.
Terezín, Czechia

Theresienstadt (Terezín Concentration Camp)

Created as a "model concentration camp" to hide Nazi atrocities from the international community, this former camp-ghetto now holds a museum and memorial honoring the lives lost within.
Jersey City, New Jersey

Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital

Now abandoned, the first public health hospital in the U.S. saw more than one million immigrants from around the world.
Geneva, Switzerland

L’horloge Fleurie (The Flower Clock)

The world's largest second-hand graces a clock surrounded by constantly changing flower beds. 
Arlington, Virginia

Arlington Temple United Methodist Church

This church built atop a gas station promises to "equip you for the next stage in your life’s journey."
Zacatecas, Mexico

Rafael Coronel Museum

Mexico's largest collection of masks is found in the ruins of an abandoned convent.
Lille, France

Porte de Paris

This triumphal arch celebrating the Sun King's conquest of Lille is a masterpiece of military architecture.