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Places edited in Meath, Ireland
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Newcastle, Northern Ireland

Skate 56 in The Belfry

Northern Ireland's church-turned-skate park.
Dublin, Ireland

Natural History building, National Museum of Ireland

Dublin's "Dead Zoo" serves as a window to Victorian museum design.
Dublin, Ireland

The Irish Elk Collection

These gigantic skeletons tower over visitors and provide insight into the creatures that once ruled over Ireland.
Dublin, Ireland

Ancient Bog Butter

The block of aged dairy is probably still edible after 2,300 years in a peat bog.
Dublin, Ireland

The Joker's Chair

This courtly monument celebrates an influential comedian who turned taking the piss out of the powers-that-be into an art.
Dublin, Ireland

The Little Museum of Dublin

More than 5,000 artifacts donated by the people of the city, plus a room entirely devoted to the band U2.
Dorset, England

Tyneham Ghost Village

In 1943 the British military took control of this village, telling residents they had to leave temporarily. The villagers were never allowed to return.
Winchester, England

Winchester Round Table

A medieval replica of King Arthur's legendary table, the Round Table hanging in Winchester Castle was decorated by Henry VIII.
London, England

Replica of the Golden Hinde

This one has sailed five times as far as Sir Francis Drake's famous ship.
East Jerusalem, Israel

Western Wall Tunnel

Descend 2,030 years into the past in an ancient tunnel built to support Jerusalem's most famous wall.
Wieliczka, Poland

Wieliczka Salt Mine

An underground city of salt.
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Dubrovnik Maskeron

Gargoyle head that brings good luck.
Athens, Greece

The Olive Tree of the Acropolis

Legend says this sacred tree was a gift from goddess Athena.
Athens, Greece

Theatre of Dionysus

Heralded as the world's first theater, these ruins are often overlooked as they reside in the shadows of the Acropolis.
Athens, Greece

The Athenian Agora

This ancient Greek place of assembly and marketplace is being revealed layer by layer below the modern Athens cityscape.
Vienna, Austria

Habsburg Imperial Crypt

The final resting place for the remains of 143 Habsburg royalty.
La Palma, Spain

Dragos Gemelos

Behind this pair of dragon trees, there is a tragic story of lost love.
La Palma, Spain

The Naval Museum of Santa Cruz de La Palma

This replica of Columbus's famous ship houses the history of La Palma's maritime importance during the Age of Exploration.
Funchal, Portugal

Madeira Botanical Garden

A lush oasis full of vibrant plants and striking geometric displays.
Câmara de Lobos, Portugal

Cabo Girão Skywalk

This glass skywalk offers vertiginous views down the volcanic cliffs to the beach below.
Santana, Portugal

Casas Típicas de Santana

These small, triangular, colorful houses are a staple of Madeira Island.
Krakow, Poland

St. Mary's Basilica

St. Mary's features one of the most spectacularly decorated cathedral interiors in all of Europe.
Budapest, Hungary

Shoes on the Danube Promenade

A trail of iron footwear stands as a monument to the thousands executed along this riverbank during WWII.
Bratislava, Slovakia

Cumil the Sewer Worker

This Slovakian statue of an emerging sewer worker might just be a bronze peeping tom.