cbrents's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places added to West Glacier, Montana
Places visited in Fort Collins, Colorado
Places visited in Fairplay, Colorado
Places visited in Alamosa, Colorado
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Golden, Colorado

The Sculptured House

This iconic science fiction house still looks like something from the future.
Idaho Springs, Colorado

Steve Canyon Statue

This statue of an obscure comic strip hero stands as a tribute to patriotic service and a cautionary tale about embracing fads.
Montrose, Colorado

Black Canyon of the Gunnison

A dangerous narrow-gauge railroad once traced a route through this striking canyon.
Winter Park, Colorado

Devil's Slide Trestles

These decaying bridges 1,000 feet high are a reminder of the skill it took to cross the Colorado Rockies by rail.
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Mary Tyler Moore Statue

A bronze statue on a downtown corner honors Minneapolis's favorite career gal.
Cologne, Germany

St. Petersglocke

The largest bell in the world has been swinging high above a Cologne cathedral for almost a century.
Cologne, Germany

Cologne's Love Locks Bridge

Thousands of tourists and residents in Cologne affix "love padlocks" on the Hohenzollernbrücke Bridge to symbolize their affections.
Helsingør, Denmark

Kronborg Castle (Elsinore)

Old Danish castle immortalized in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Verona, Italy

Whale Bone of Arco della Costa

A whale rib was used to advertise the store by the arch that offered exotic goods from far away.
Verona, Italy

Juliet's Balcony

Pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers.
Bologna, Italy

Finestrella di Via Piella

A small window on Via Piella offers a lovely and rare peek at Bologna's lost canals.
Bologna, Italy

Towers of Bologna

Over 100 towers were built in Bologna during the Middle Ages, but only 22 survive.
Bologna, Italy

Museo di Palazzo Poggi Anatomy & Obstetrics Collection

An extraordinary collection of 18th century anatomical waxworks.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Ghost Swastikas

The art museum is decorated with creatively remodeled pre-Nazi swastikas.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Geological Museum

Museum on earth sciences featuring a recreation of a famous curiosity cabinet.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Leif Sonne's Bottled Beer Collection

The largest bottled beer collection in the world holds over 22,000 unique beer bottles.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Throne of Denmark

Opulence and fantasy collide in this royal chair which is supposedly made with unicorn horns.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Elephant Gate

Pre-Nazi swastikas adorn the sculpted pachyderms flanking this brewhouse portal.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.
Orvieto, Italy

Pozzo di San Patrizio

Water and windows define this defensive Italian well.
Orvieto, Italy

Orvieto Underground

This picturesque Umbrian city has a subterranean side that has long remained hidden.
Rome, Italy

Torre Argentina (Roman Cat Sanctuary)

Hundreds of lucky felines haunt the ruins where Caesar was murdered.