wendyvannuland's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Porto, Portugal

McDonald's Imperial

This restored Portuguese cafe may well be the most beautiful place in the world to grab a Big Mac.
Porto, Portugal

Igreja de São Francisco

The stunning interior of this Gothic church is covered in ornate gold details.
Dublin, Ireland

Samuel Beckett Bridge

Dublin's most modern, visually spectacular bridge is modeled after Ireland's national emblem.
Dublin, Ireland

Dublin Whiskey Fire

A devastating booze inferno poured through the streets, claiming several victims who drank it.
Dublin, Ireland

Glasnevin Cemetery and Museum

This is the largest cemetery in Ireland and the first cemetery museum in the world.
Dublin, Ireland

The Famine Memorial in Dublin

The somber sculptures commemorating Irish Famine on the river Liffey in Dublin.
Dublin, Ireland

Statue of Oscar Wilde

The comedy and tragedy of Oscar Wilde is preserved in a Dublin park, captured in a sculpture of colorful stone.
Segovia, Spain

Allegory of 'The Tree of Life'

A curious memento mori hangs in the magnificent Cathedral of Segovia.
Segovia, Spain

The Selfie Devil

A controversial art piece that harkens back to local folklore.
Segovia, Spain

Alcázar de Segovia

This magnificent castle grew from a small Moorish fortress, and reportedly inspired two iconic Disney castles.
Segovia, Spain

Segovia Aqueduct

One of the few remaining ancient aqueducts described by Frontinus as 'the most solemn testimony of the Empire.'
Madrid, Spain

San Ginés Book Shop

This unassuming bookstore in the heart of Madrid is one of the oldest in Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Cine Doré

A must for film lovers in Madrid and home to the Spanish Film Library's projection space.
Madrid, Spain

'Día y Noche' (Day and Night)

A pair of gigantic baby heads greet passengers at Atocha Station.
Madrid, Spain

Tío Pepe Sign

For decades, Puerta del Sol has been illuminated by a giant, guitar-wielding bottle of sherry.
Madrid, Spain

Ahuehuete del Buen Retiro ("El Abuelo")

One of Madrid's oldest trees, with a long and colorful history, resides in El Retiro Park.
Madrid, Spain

House of Beasts of Retiro Park

The remains of the second-oldest zoo in Europe can be seen within these library gardens.
Madrid, Spain

Kilometre Zero

A stone slab in Madrid marks the point from which the distances of Spain's national roads are measured.
Madrid, Spain

El Oso y el Madroño (The Bear and the Strawberry Tree)

This sweet-toothed bear searching for snacks has been a symbol of Madrid for decades.
Madrid, Spain

'Witches' Sabbath (The Great He-Goat)'

This macabre masterpiece of a mural is one of Francisco Goya's "Black Paintings."
Madrid, Spain

Fountain of the Fallen Angel

Commonly acknowledged as the only public monument to the Devil himself.
Madrid, Spain

Atocha Station Tropical Garden

A lush indoor jungle fills this bustling Madrid transportation hub.
Madrid, Spain

Templo de Debod

An ancient Egyptian temple in the middle of Madrid, Spain.
Madrid, Spain

Palacio de Cristal

Madrid's romantically ornate crystal palace has been offering shelter to plants and art for over a century.