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Places visited in Jersey City, New Jersey
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Hoboken, New Jersey

Birthplace of Baseball Monument

A bronze plaque at an intersection in Hoboken marks the place where the game of baseball first took shape.
Jersey City, New Jersey

Infinity Climber

A playground inspired by differential calculus dangles from the ceiling of the Liberty Science Center.
Wildwood, New Jersey

The Race of Gentlemen

Vintage cars and motorcycles race for glory in a throwback motorsport celebration on the Jersey shore.
Bayonne, New Jersey

Tear Drop Memorial

World Trade Center memorial likened to a woman's sexual organ.
Wantage, New Jersey

High Point Monument

The highest point in New Jersey is marked by a massive, if simply named, obelisk.
Jersey City, New Jersey

White Mana Diner

This unassuming retro burger joint was billed as “diner of the future” at the 1939 World's Fair.
Highlands, New Jersey

Sandy Hook Nike Launch Site

Rusting away on the edge of New Jersey are the remains of a Cold War missile launch site.
Hamburg, New Jersey

Hamburg Paper Mill Ruins

Tucked behind New Jersey's abandoned Gingerbread Castle lie the eerie ruins of a once-flourishing paper mill.
Cape May, New Jersey

Sometimes Train Tracks of Sunset Beach

Several times a year, during low tide, two pairs of historic train tracks are revealed on this New Jersey beach.
Jersey City, New Jersey

Ellis Island Immigrant Hospital

Now abandoned, the first public health hospital in the U.S. saw more than one million immigrants from around the world.
Cape May, New Jersey

Bunker At Cape May Point

World War II bunker still standing on the New Jersey beach.
Hoboken, New Jersey

Sybil's Cave

The remains of a 19th century spring, and the site of an infamous unsolved murder.