Fred Cherrygarden's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Fred Cherrygarden's activity rankings
Places visited in Japan
Places added to Japan
Places edited in Japan
Places visited in Kyoto, Japan
Places added to Paris, France
Places edited in Vietnam
Places visited in Gyeongju, South Korea
Places added to India
Places edited in Thailand
Tokyo, Japan

The Site of Yatate Hajime

The site where the poet Matsuo Bashō read one of the first haiku that comprise his famous travelogue.
Komaki, Japan

Mama Kannon Temple

The only Buddhist temple in Japan dedicated to breasts.
Hiroshima, Japan

Human Shadow Etched in Stone

An eerie reminder to the horrors of World War II.
Otsuki, Japan

Saruhashi Bridge

According to one legend, this bridge was crafted after monkeys formed a body-bridge across the gorge.
Narusawa, Japan

Fugaku Wind Cave

One in a pair of subterranean caves created by an ancient eruption of Mount Fuji.
Tokyo, Japan

Kozukappara Execution Grounds

This infamous execution site inspired the beginning of Japan's modernization in the late 18th-century.
Tokyo, Japan

Senju Shrine Bomb Shelter

One of the few surviving World War II-era air-raid shelters in Tokyo.
Kanazawa, Japan

Myouryuji (Ninja Temple)

Although it has never been a secret ninja base, this shrine still has plenty of tricks up its sleeve.
Konan, Japan

Hotei Buddha

The largest privately owned statue of Buddha in Japan, built by a total amateur, with an unconventional look.
Nikko, Japan

'Nemuri-Neko' ('The Sleeping Cat')

Is this cat asleep or just pretending?
Inuyama, Japan

Momotaro Shrine

A kitsch shrine dedicated to the ogre-slaying folktale hero born from a peach.
Soja, Japan

Ki Castle (Kinojo Castle Ruins)

A rare example of an ancient Japanese hill castle believed to be the fortress of a legendary demon.
Tsugaru, Japan

Kizukuri Station

A train station decorated by a giant replica of the ancient Shakōki-dogū figurine found in the area.
Kushiro, Japan

Lake Akan Ainu Kotan

This village is home to the largest existing settlement of the Ainu, the Indigenous people of Japan.
Big Rapids, Michigan

Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia

A collection of more than 10,000 racist objects that teaches the atrocities of social injustice and intolerance in American history.
Paris, France

Au Roi de la Bière

Once a 19th-century brasserie, this McDonald's exterior celebrates Alsatian design and the "King of Beer."
Istanbul, Turkey

Camondo Stairs

A gorgeous, Gaudí-esque stairway constructed in the city of Istanbul by a prominent Jewish family.
Nikko, Japan

Three Wise Monkeys of Tōshōgū Shrine

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Saitama, Japan

Tsuki Shrine

A unique Shinto shrine filled with bunnies and wordplay.
Rome, Italy

Temple of Minerva Medica

Believed to be the remains of the lost Temple of Minerva, this nymphaeum has been known by its misnomer to this day.
Segovia, Spain

Sirenas de Segovia

These "mermaids" that surround a plaza in Segovia are rather sphinx-like.
Tokyo, Japan

Haneda Ōtorii

A cursed torii gate still stands on the edge of Haneda Airport, decades after its shrine's relocation.
Kansas City, Missouri

Laugh-O-Gram Studio

This Kansas City studio was home to Walt Disney's first animation business.
Yokohama, Japan

Bashamichi Station Concourse

Remnants of an old bank adorn this station's brick wall.