kimmipage's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Stockholm, Sweden

Love Locks of Västerbron

A former suicide bridge is now accumulating symbols of love instead of a body count.
Stockholm, Sweden

Skansen Open Air Museum

Sweden's "good old days" painstakingly re-created in a model village.
Stockholm, Sweden

Codex Gigas (The Devil's Bible)

An illuminated manuscript comprising the life's work of a lone monk, inexplicably decorated with a portrait of Satan himself.


Three million year old fossils are exposed for all to see on this Icelandic shore.
Hólmavík, Iceland

The Museum of Icelandic Sorcery & Witchcraft

Staves, storm-calling, and of course, necropants.
Hveragerði, Iceland


Iceland's "Smoky Valley" is a beautiful river that is shrouded in a constant cover of steam clouds.


The unique waterfall in Iceland's south features a backdrop of geometric black lava columns.

Kerið Crater Lake

This eye-popping Icelandic crater lake is surrounded by red volcanic rock.


A sulfuric martian landscape that looks far better than it smells.


This volcanic cave lake is essentially hard proof that Iceland is the most magical place on Earth.


These ominous lava formations were said to be an entrance to the netherworld so of course they inspired a famous metal band.


A stratovolcano located in the south of Iceland, with a long history of charted activity and a rich mythology attached.
Reykholt, Iceland


This hobbit-y little hot spring may be the oldest spring used by humans in all of Iceland.

Öskjuvatn and Viti Lakes

Two volcanic lakes in an enormous crater formed in a prehistoric eruption.


This elegant arc of a waterfall marks a religious turning point.


Rising from the sea like a stone monster.

Ancient Kjolur Trail

Outlaws, hot springs, and tragedy have all left their mark on this ancient road in the Icelandic highlands.
Denver, Colorado

Cheesman Park

A downtown park built on top of unclaimed graves.
Dadswells Bridge, Australia

The Giant Koala

Popular tourist destination now stands as a memorial to Sam the koala.
Guildford, Australia

The Academy of Taxidermy

One of Australia's largest collections of preserved animals is on display in a historic theater.
Sydney, Australia

Waverley Cemetery

A self-funded cemetery with a long list of inhabitants.
Sydney, Australia

Eric the Pliosaur

The bones of this aquatic dinosaur turned to opal over the centuries and the beast's remains were almost sold as jewelry.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Holt Cemetery

A haunting, yet lovingly hand-hewn potters' field full of graves that flood with each heavy rain.
New Orleans, Louisiana

Marie Laveau's House of Voodoo

A museum and shop on Bourbon Street located in the French Quarter.