kosmasc's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Ordino, Andorra

The Miniature Museum

Some of the smallest works of art in existence.
Andorra la Vella, Andorra

'The Nobility of Time'

In one of the smallest countries in the world stands an original Salvador Dalí sculpture.
Naples, Italy

Via dei Presepi

Every day is like Christmas on this street where the traditional Neapolitan nativity scene comes to life.
Bologna, Italy

Towers of Bologna

Over 100 towers were built in Bologna during the Middle Ages, but only 22 survive.
Cork, Ireland

'Kindred Spirits' Sculpture

A tribute to the incredible generosity the Choctaw Nation showed the Irish people during the Great Famine.
Denbigh, Wales

Maen Huail

Believed to be an execution site used by King Arthur after he was embarrassed.
Wuxi Shi, China

Hailan Horse Culture Museum

A palatial horse museum outside Shanghai is home to the most pampered horses in the world.
Bari, Italy

Manna of St. Nicholas of Bari

A dead saint, a deadly poison, and a mysterious holy ooze.
Paris, France

Water Tank Beneath Palais Garnier

The subterranean "lake" below the Paris opera house inspired the Phantom of the Opera's lair.
Ragunda, Sweden

Borgvattnet Vicarage

Said to be one of Sweden's most haunted places, this vicarage once even attracted a ghost-busting priest.
Turin, Italy

Villa Scott (Villa del Bambino Urlante)

This Art Nouveau mansion was used as the "House of the Screaming Child" in Dario Argento’s giallo classic.
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Haus zum Walfisch

This Late Gothic building that once housed Erasmus is now known as the filming location of "Suspiria."
Sant Miquel de Gonteres, Spain

Hospital Torax de Terrassa

This chest hospital with a dark, haunted past serves as a fitting set for horror films and a paradise for ghost hunters.
Triora, Italy

The Town Of Witches

The location of the last witch trials of Italy, known as "The Salem of Europe."
Barcelona, Spain

'El Petó de la Mort' ('The Kiss of Death')

A cemetery in Barcelona's Poblenou district is home to this touching funerary statue, which depicts death in the form of a winged skeleton.
Potsdam, Germany

Grave of the Potato King

If you visit the burial place of King Frederick the Great, you'll likely find a couple of potatoes sitting on his tombstone.
Pripyat, Ukraine

Abandoned City of Pripyat

The ghost town left by the worst nuclear disaster of all time is being taken over by nature and urban explorers.
London, England

Audley Square Spy Lamp Post

This overlooked street light once served as a KGB dead letter box.
Washington, D.C.

Grace Hopper's Bug

A computer bug so primitive it was an actual insect.
East Jerusalem, Israel

Immovable Ladder on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

A "miracle" that seems to produce more holy fistfights than holy revelations.
Upper Hutt, New Zealand


You may recognize this beautiful grove within Kaitoke Regional Park as location of the house of Elrond.
Zurich, Switzerland


A 200-year-old tavern challenges guests to finish a glass of wine while hanging from a ceiling beam.
Zhangjiajie, China

Bailong Elevator

The world’s tallest outdoor lift stretches along the stone pillars that inspired the floating mountains in the movie “Avatar.”
Höfn, Iceland

Viking Village Film Set

This replica Viking village was created for a film that was never shot and is now open to visitors.