Marion's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Ballintoy, Northern Ireland
Places visited in Cushendun, Northern Ireland
Places visited in Mayo, Ireland
Places edited in Mayo, Ireland
Places visited in Isle of Anglesey, Wales
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Iceland's largest lagoon is home to stunning multi-colored icebergs.


The unique waterfall in Iceland's south features a backdrop of geometric black lava columns.

Skeiðará Bridge Monument

Twisted girders are all that remain of an Icelandic bridge that was wiped out by a combination of volcanic heat and glacial floods.
Vik, Iceland


Three columns of volcanic rock shoot out of the ocean.
Storforshei, Norway

Arctic Circle Centre

This roadside attraction looks like a flying saucer parked atop the tundra.
Bodo, Norway

Saltstraumen Maelstrom

World's strongest whirlpool.
Kilwinning, Scotland

Kilwinning Abbey

Now in ruins, this abbey was the home of Tironensian monks for more than 400 years.
Orkney, Scotland

Tomb of the Eagles

This Scottish burial tomb once held hundreds of ancient eagle bones.
Orkney, Scotland

Brough of Birsay

This tiny island featuring 9th-century Viking ruins is only accessible at low tide.
Sandwick, Scotland

Skara Brae

Amazing and mysterious Neolithic settlement on Scotland's Orkney Islands.
Orkney, Scotland

Ring of Brodgar

The true age of this ancient stone circle is unknown, but its stunning vista isn't in question.
Stenness, Scotland

Ness of Brodgar

The discovery of this Neolithic settlement, which contained a Stone Age "cathedral," threw archaeologists for a loop.
Orkney, Scotland

The Stones of Stenness

Possibly the oldest of Britain's ancient henges is also one of its most stark.
Orkney, Scotland


Thanks to both terrific preservation and historic vandalism this ancient site is known as the "Heart of Neolithic Orkney."
Munich, Germany


Among the ostentatious rococo ornamentation of this church, an image of death cuts the life-thread.
Munich, Germany

Der Teufelstritt (The Devil's Footprint)

The footprint of a frustrated devil in Munich's Cathedral.
Munich, Germany


Daily jousts and dancing barrel makers in Munich's mechanical clock.
Munich, Germany

Valentin Karlstadt Museum

A serious museum dedicated to two German comedians.
Berlin, Germany


An eerie, derelict amusement park in Berlin.
Ivenack, Germany

Oaks of Ivenack

The oldest trees in Northern Germany.
Reutlingen, Germany


The narrowest street in the world is in danger of closing up entirely.
Blaubeuren, Germany

The Blautopf

In this brilliant blue spring in Germany, legend has it that a sad mermaid learned to finally laugh.
Blumberg, Germany


A historic steam train meanders along one of the most scenic rail routes in Germany's Black Forest.
Schonach im Schwarzwald, Germany

World's Largest Cuckoo Clock

A Black Forest cuckoo clock theme park features one timepiece big enough to walk inside.