Rural unicorn's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Rural unicorn's activity rankings
Places visited in Greenland
Places visited in Nuuk, Greenland
Places visited in Kastrup, Denmark
Places visited in Denmark
Places visited in Mġarr, Malta
Places visited in Mosta, Malta
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Copenhagen, Denmark

Vejrpigerne ('The Weather Girls')

This pair of gilded girls atop an Art Deco building in Copenhagen were built to function as a weather indicator.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Church of Our Saviour

Climb to the top of its spiral spire for spectacular views of Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Royal Danish Naval Museum

A museum filled with tiny, adorable versions of the mighty Royal Danish Navy.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Kosmik Rum

Visitors are treated to a stained glass kaleidoscope interior inside this work of art.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Cirkelbroen (The Circle Bridge)

This bridge's unique architecture honors nautical heritage and encourages self-awareness.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Toga Vin & Ølstue

An old Danish political institution where members of government can grab a drink off the record.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Agnete and the Merman

Beneath Denmark's Højbro bridge, a bronze merman and his seven sons forever mourn for the mother and wife who left them for land.
Copenhagen, Denmark


This ordinary street was made infamous by a legendary visit from the devil.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Martha and Marie

Long before ultrasounds and modern testing, medical specimens like these conjoined twins helped physicians learn about congenital anomalies.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Medical Museion

A novel collection of medical curiosities housed in an 18th-century surgeon training academy.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.
Kastrup, Denmark

Kastrup Sea Bath

This ultra-modern wooden boardwalk turns the ocean into a swimming pool.
Kastrup, Denmark

The Blue Planet

Vortex-shaped aquarium hosts Europe's largest school of piranhas and other ocean creatures.
Malmö, Sweden

Øresund Bridge

This chimerical bridge/tunnel appears to dead end right into the sea.
Klampenborg, Denmark


The oldest amusement park in the world has been providing a nice spot to have some fun since the 1500s.
Landskrona, Sweden


This Scandinavian island is the site of the first modern observatory.
Helsingør, Denmark

Kronborg Castle (Elsinore)

Old Danish castle immortalized in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Höganäs, Sweden

Nimis in Ladonia

Micro-nation based around a nine-story high illegally built tower.
Hillerød, Denmark

Frederiksborg Castle

This striking royal residence is the largest Renaissance-style castle in Scandinavia.
Værløse, Denmark

Flyvestation Værløse (Flight Station Værløse)

This World War II airfield enjoys a second life as a public park.
Ishøj, Denmark

Forgotten Giants

Six beautiful wooden giants are hidden around Copenhagen.
Borre, Denmark

Møns Klint

A natural wonder in south Denmark.