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Places visited in Stirling, Scotland
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Belgrade, Serbia

Western City Gate of Belgrade

A pair of connected skyscrapers form this symbolic gateway.
Belgrade, Serbia

Ružica Church

A Serbian church lit by chandeliers made of weapons.
Zagreb, Croatia

Grič Tunnel

A World War II evacuation tunnel turned into a history display of Croatian state and people.
Zagreb, Croatia

Zagreb's Museum of Broken Relationships

Where the lovelorn find a home for their sentimental keepsakes.
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dragon Bridge

A whimsical bridge adorned with decorative dragons.
Trieste, Italy

Risiera di San Sabba

During World War II, this rice mill became a Nazi concentration camp.
Venice, Italy

The Flooded Crypt of San Zaccaria

As can be expected from a centuries old church built in a canal city, the undercroft of this house of worship is beautifully flooded.
Venice, Italy

Libreria Acqua Alta

This Venice bookstore has resigned itself to constant flooding by keeping its books in bathtubs and boats.
Venice, Italy

San Servolo Insane Asylum Museum

Venice's "Island of the Mad."
Lerwick, Scotland

Up Helly Aa

During this Shetland Islands celebration, hundreds of torch-carrying "guizers" lead a procession to burn a viking longboat.
Milton, Scotland

Overtoun Bridge

This Scottish bridge seems to compel dogs to leap to their death.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Callanish Stones

The mysterious megaliths have enchanted and intrigued visitors for thousands of years.
Orkney, Scotland

Ring of Brodgar

The true age of this ancient stone circle is unknown, but its stunning vista isn't in question.
Outer Hebrides, Scotland

Gearrannan Blackhouse Village

Spend the night in this formerly abandoned traditional Scottish village.
Sandwick, Scotland

Skara Brae

Amazing and mysterious Neolithic settlement on Scotland's Orkney Islands.
Glasgow, Scotland

The Tenement House

This museum offers a glimpse into early 20th-century Glasgow life.
Edinburgh, Scotland

The Witchery

Near the former site of numerous witch burnings, this lavish Edinburgh mainstay pays homage to Scotland's brutal history.
Edinburgh, Scotland

Mary King's Close

17th century streets hidden under Edinburgh were once a breeding ground for the black death.
London, England

William Wallace Memorial

A plaque hangs near the execution place of the Scottish Independence leader famously depicted in "Braveheart."
London, England

Freud Museum London

The pioneer of psychoanalysis spent the final year of his life here, still seeing patients on that famous couch.
London, England

Temple Church

An unusual round church in London with a Templar past.
London, England

Temple of Mithras

Rebuilt remains of a temple to Roman god Mithras.
Paris, France

The Room of Endangered and Extinct Species

A haunting collection of the vanished and disappearing natural world.
Paris, France

Montmartre Cemetery

A horde of stray cats rule in this secluded Parisian cemetery under a bridge.