CoolHusky's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Paragould, Arkansas

Paragould War Memorial

This Lady Liberty is the oldest replica of its kind outside the state of New York.
Joiner, Arkansas

Bassett POW Camp

On the side of Arkansas' Great River Road stand the remains of a forgotten World War II POW Camp.
Mammoth Spring, Arkansas

Mammoth Spring

The seventh largest spring in the world.
Dyess, Arkansas

Historic Dyess Colony: Boyhood Home of Johnny Cash

The Man In Black grew up in a large agrarian community established by the federal government in the Great Depression.
Earle, Arkansas

Parkin Archeological State Park

The scant remains of an expansive indigenous civilization can be seen at this Arkansas state park.
Marvell, Arkansas

Levon Helm Boyhood Home

This modest structure is where noted musician and the Band drummer Levon Helm grew up.
Sponsored by Arkansas Tourism
Formosa, Arkansas

'Pezhephen's True Home'

At a site that has witnessed many significant events, according to the fictional Kcymaerxthaere, it is best known as the place of lunar discovery.
Little Rock, Arkansas

Billy Bass Adoption Center

Where animatronic singing fish go to retire.
Heber Springs, Arkansas

Collins Creek Cascade and Trout Stream

A wild trout fishery in Arkansas.
Scott, Arkansas

Toltec Mounds

People of the Plum Bayou culture built these enormous mounds over 1,000 years ago.