ulitsky's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Places visited in Solovetskiy, Russia
Places visited in Fethiye, Turkey
Places edited in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria
Places visited in Samovodene, Bulgaria
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Noisy-le-Grand, France

Arènes de Picasso

A suburban housing complex with astonishing architectural features, locally nicknamed "the Camemberts."
Athens, Greece

Museum of Greek Folk Musical Instruments

Dating from the 18th century to today, this museum houses a collection of over 1,200 musical instruments.
Vågsøy, Norway

Kannesteinen Rock

Thousands of years of crashing waves gave this mushroom-shaped rock its svelte figure.
Luster, Norway

Urnes Stave Church

An intricately carved Viking church overlooks a glistening fjord.
Aurland, Norway

Laerdal Tunnel

Longest road tunnel in the world features an air treatment plant and the illusion of daylight.
Aurland, Norway

Aurland Lookout

A thin pane of glass keeps visitors from sliding off this futuristic skywalk.
Flåm, Norway

Ægir Brewery

A Viking-style brewpub named for a Norse sea giant, in the heart of fjord country.
Sønderborg, Denmark

'Støvlen' ('The Boot')

This colossal hiking boot, once built for a scout jamboree, serves as an observation tower and barbecue area.
Rendsburg, Germany

Rendsburg High Bridge

One of the last remaining railway viaducts equipped with a transporter ferry.
Bergen, Norway

Fløibanen Funicular

A favorite with sightseers, this Norwegian funicular provides easy access to a stunning view of Bergen and its environs.
Ringkøbing, Denmark

Hvide Sande Nazi Bunkers

Remnants of the Nazis' occupation of Denmark linger along the sand.
Hvide Sande, Denmark

The Wind Turbine Beach

Along this stretch of beach in Denmark resides several massive bastions of energy.
Nørre Nebel, Denmark


This quiet bird sanctuary on the Danish coast is home to something not usually found in a conservation area: hunters' cabins.
Nordstrand, Germany

The Lorenbahn

A tiny island is connected to the mainland by a private railway that residents travel in their own personal wagons.
Rømø, Denmark

Whale Jawbone Fence

Danish whalers once brought back whale bones to use as building materials in places where wood was scarce.
Blåvand, Denmark

Blåvand Beach Bunker Mules

These old World War II fortifications have been transformed into an unusual equine attraction.
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Old Sarajevo Clock Tower

This historic timepiece is thought to be the only public clock in the world that keeps lunar time.
Saint Paul, Minnesota

'Miracle on Ice' Statue

This statue of Olympic hockey coach Herb Brooks immortalizes one of the greatest moments in American sports history.
Athens, Greece

Panathenaic Stadium Passage

Gladiators once walked this ancient, subterranean passage.
Savannah, Georgia

1996 Olympic Yachting Cauldron

A monument to one of the few Olympic flames ever to be lit outside of the host city.
Comacchio, Italy

Ponte dei Trepponti (Trepponti Bridge)

This uniquely designed bridge served as the city gate for Comacchio.
Ravenna, Italy

Molos di Pesca of the Canale Destra Reno

These structures hanging over the water's surface are traditional fishing machines.
Ravenna, Italy

Dante's Tomb

Italian poet Dante Alighieri is entombed in this small mausoleum in Ravenna, and his hometown of Florence has never been too happy about it.
San Marino, San Marino


The smaller of the three towers of San Marino is a former prison inaccessible from the ground level.