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Places visited in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Copenhagen, Denmark

Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Ghost Swastikas

The art museum is decorated with creatively remodeled pre-Nazi swastikas.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Nasothek Nose Collection

A collection of noses tucked inside an art museum reveals how times have changed.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Royal Danish Naval Museum

A museum filled with tiny, adorable versions of the mighty Royal Danish Navy.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Freetown Christiania

Danish tourist destination well known for open stalls where vendors sell marijuana on the street.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Church of Our Saviour

Climb to the top of its spiral spire for spectacular views of Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, Denmark


The world's first combination ski slope and power plant.
Kastrup, Denmark

Hans Christian Andersen's Trunk

The traveling wares of Denmark's most famous author.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Hans Christian Andersen's Grave

The final resting place of the author who gave us the Little Mermaid, the Ugly Duckling, and many more beloved fairy tales.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Niels Bohr's Grave

The final resting place of one of the brightest physicists of the 20th century.
Copenhagen, Denmark

'Tisseren' ('The Pee-er')

An unconventional and naturalistic sculpture depicting the artist marking his territory on an exterior faculty wall.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Heisenberg's Bathtub

Did he come up with a theory of cosmic-ray showers while sitting in this bath?
Copenhagen, Denmark

Martha and Marie

Long before ultrasounds and modern testing, medical specimens like these conjoined twins helped physicians learn about congenital anomalies.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Medical Museion

A novel collection of medical curiosities housed in an 18th-century surgeon training academy.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Cirkelbroen (The Circle Bridge)

This bridge's unique architecture honors nautical heritage and encourages self-awareness.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Geological Museum

Museum on earth sciences featuring a recreation of a famous curiosity cabinet.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Throne of Denmark

Opulence and fantasy collide in this royal chair which is supposedly made with unicorn horns.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jarmers Tower

The only surviving piece of Copenhagen's 16th-century defensive wall.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Fox Hotel in Copenhagen

Hotel designed by indie graphics artists.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jens Olsen's World Clock

The gilded, masterful astronomical clock will calculate time, dates, and planetary positions for thousands of years to come.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Vejrpigerne ('The Weather Girls')

This pair of gilded girls atop an Art Deco building in Copenhagen were built to function as a weather indicator.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Tivoli Gardens

Copenhagen's celebrated theme park and gardens.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Folketingssalen Frieze

An "evil painter" included pointed symbols in this artwork to poke fun at members of the Danish Parliament.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Genetically Modified Little Mermaid

Hans Christian Andersen for the postmodern world.
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Little Mermaid

The de facto symbol of Copenhagen is this bronze fairytale which cannot seem to keep its head for very long.