eamagea123's User Profile - Atlas Obscura
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Places visited in İzmir, Turkey
Places visited in Copenhagen, Denmark
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Copenhagen, Denmark


This contemplative sculpture made out of old machine parts is meant to be the first in a series of sculptures around the world.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Ørsted's House

The house where a Danish physicist discovered the connection between electricity and magnetism.
Copenhagen, Denmark

Jorck's Passage

Site of the first radio and telephone broadcasting companies in Copenhagen.
Copenhagen, Denmark


This ordinary street was made infamous by a legendary visit from the devil.
Copenhagen, Denmark


A little-known cafe in an old copper bridge tower with 360-degree views of the harbor.
Berlin, Germany

'Das Schicksal Der (Fate of) Bravenleavanne'

The site of good faith and good nature in the fictional world of Kcymaerxthaere.
Berlin, Germany

Deutsches Currywurst Museum

A museum dedicated to a Cold War era sausage.
Berlin, Germany

Friede sei mit Dir

This obscene artwork on the side of a newspaper office pokes fun at a rival paper's former editor-in-chief.
Berlin, Germany


Floating swimming pool within a moored vessel.
Berlin, Germany

Ramones Museum

Blitzkrieg bop your way through Berlin's Ramones Museum.
Geneva, Switzerland

Statue of Frankenstein's Monster

One of the most historical literary characters continues to stroll his hometown.
Geneva, Switzerland

Treille Promenade

One of the longest wooden benches in the world snakes around Geneva's Treille Promenade.
Geneva, Switzerland

L’horloge Fleurie (The Flower Clock)

The world's largest second-hand graces a clock surrounded by constantly changing flower beds. 
Geneva, Switzerland

Musée d'Histoire des Sciences (Museum of History of Science)

A treasure trove of scientific instruments from the 17th and 18th centuries.
Geneva, Switzerland

Repère Pierre du Niton

This stone in Lake Geneva was once the reference point used to determine altitude in Switzerland.
Geneva, Switzerland

Brunswick Monument

An opulent monument built for a duke who donated his entire fortune to the city of Geneva.
Berlin, Germany

Knut the Polar Bear

Berlin's beloved bear is immortalized at the Museum für Naturkunde.
Berlin, Germany

Museum für Naturkunde

Berlin's natural history museum houses the world's largest mounted dinosaur and the late beloved polar bear Knut.
Seoul, South Korea

Coffee Hanyakbang

About as hidden as can be, this specialty coffee shop is wedged between multi-story buildings at the end of a dark, skinny alleyway in Seoul.
Seoul, South Korea

Wongaksa Pagoda

This pagoda was once the central feature of a Buddhist temple that no longer exists.
Seoul, South Korea

Sewoon Sangga (Sewoon Plaza)

Its humdrum facade only adds to its electrifying appeal: a rooftop with panoramic views of a shapeshifting metropolis.
Seoul, South Korea

108 Heaven Stairway

A remnant of Korea's colonial past lies forgotten in a hip neighborhood in Seoul.
Gyeongju, South Korea


This grand temple complex from the Old Silla era of Korea is home to a stone pagoda that was build in the 7th century.
Gyeongju, South Korea


Numerical symbolism abound at East Asia's oldest observatory.